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Kính hiển vi soi nổi Lentis

Kính hiển vi soi nổi Lentis



Bench Magnifier Overview

Lentis bench magnifier Lentis is a state of the art bench magnifier, designed to incorporate the optical, ergonomic and mechanical design excellence adopted throughout Vision Engineering s range of award winning stereo microscopes, measuring systems and optical aids.


  • High specification optical lens for minimal distortion across the entire field of view
  • 2.5 dioptre lens provides optimal magnification, field of view and working distance for optimum comfort
  • Long life, ultra bright, reflected fluorescent illumination for superb image clarity and colour rendition
  • Ultra modern stand design with quick move base for high stability and versatility

State of the Art Bench Magnifier

A 2.5 dioptre lens provides optimal magnification, field of view and working distance for optimum comfort, with long life, ultra bright, reflected fluorescent illumination for superb image clarity and colour rendition.